Monday, April 4, 2011

Why I Feel a Monumental Crash Will Soon Fall Upon Us

Why I Feel a Monumental Crash Will Soon Fall Upon Us

Hold on to your seat, or when the music stops make sure you have somewhere and someplace to sit. Investing today is musical chairs and gambling in the world’s largest and most active casino.  It’s hard to believe that everything that is going on before our ideas is not all make believe. Not all Kafkaesque. Trials of Hedge Fund billionaires reveal how they achieve their wealth. Bankers are constantly cheating investors with doing the opposite of what they advise their clients to do. Governments hire personnel who represent the very negative forces that caused financial problems, and then while doing their work have a conflict of interest as they perform always with an eye to the day that they will leave the government and go to work with very generous compensation for those they colluded with while in government service. There is little chance for the average small investor to securely invest their  savings in securities today where the entire marketplace is a mass pandemonium of risk taking, insider trading scandals,  government manipulation, pools of massive capital accumulation (Banks, Hedge Funds & Private Equity Groups), gambling and speculation in trading and electronic algorithm response,and derivative activity that befuddles the most astute and clever minds. Also include those controlling the money supply, and with a blink of the eye can inflate or deflate our currencies through printing of fiat funds or paper money and cause more ruin. 

Most of these actions are both obvious and clandestine and will be the seeds for the downfall of the system we know of as "Investing". Investing is for creating wealth if it is transparent and moral. The corruption in general of the banking industries worldwide together with the pools of capital that work in monopolistic unison to move markets together are the antithesis of investing. We might call them "Destroying". Sooner or later the game will be over and revealed, and the whole Ponzi type scheme will cause the greatest shock the commercial world has every seen.  Then, we may be able to start all over again with correctness and fairness to all.  No one can predict when the crash will come. But it will come. It will come because politics has trumped economics, and the right solutions are ones that cannot be chosen because if done the politicians would no longer be in power.

So It seems as if the cards are stacked against the independent investor. To secure his savings for his day or retirement where else can he invest his money and sleep nights with the thought that when he needs those funds they will be there and have grown while he was waiting. Every day we are bombarded by the vested interests to surrender our hard earned funds in one type of security or another, in one type of investment or another. The entire investment industry moves in unison to protect their exorbitant salaries, receive their commissions and bonuses. Most follow the leaders and keep the music playing while arranging the chairs for themselves to find a seat when the music stops. The salaries of Public Corporation and their extra bonuses and options are so outlandishly ridiculously out of line with what they produce and what  they should be fairly compensated for, and what in fact they really need, that it evokes laughter. It must be some sort of a joke. It cannot be real

Well whatever one chooses to secure for their savings they each may have weaknesses, and strengths. My choice would be the land we live on. The land we grow on.  The land that is limited and that must be shared by all mankind. The land that buildings will be built upon, and where people will live. At least the land will be there. It will not be subject to collusion, lies, and hidden compensation and commissions. But whatever you may choose to do with your money, and there are many other choices,  make it your decision,  and not by one who has a conflict of interest in a system that controls the music, when it will stop, and how many chairs will still be left.

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