Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thomas Friedman Shows Again His True Self

Thomas Friedman Shows Again His True Self

Appeasement, False Logic, & Calumny

Oct.10, 2011(Other articles by the writer can be found at http:/, or http://www.irafeinbergblog.blogspot/)

My hat comes off for Thomas Friedman. He is a brilliant thinker, an accomplished writer, a man for all seasons. But for some inexplicable, genetic, ethnic and subconscious drive to demonstrate that when it comes to the Middle-east, to Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians, American Jews and American Christians he is totally impartial, and works with an Aristotelian mindset that places him at the highest levels of logic and reason displacing impartiality.

J’accuse Monsieur Thomas Friedman of being the cleverest sophist, a twister of all truth, and in essence a fraud who attempts and succeeds to fool most literati, and most who adore his charm and imagination. He is a Jew who claims total impartiality when it comes to problems concerning Jews and Israel.  His editorial “Israel: Adrift At Sea Alone”which I urge you to read before reading my own response to it. (Click the flowing link, or paste it in your browser to read it now.) Here you will find his typical arrogance as he scolds Israel, scolds the government of Israel, scolds their Foreign Minister, scolds our weak American leaders, and so on ad-infinitum. He accuses Israel and their lobbyists of unpatriotic acts against our President. He is most adept at using a sly, clandestine, and latent anti-Semitism in the construction of his arguments, and doesn’t even realize that he is only repeating what the Jewish People have been accused of unjustly for more than two thousand years. 'If only the Jews weren’t here there wouldn't be any problems on earth, and all mankind would live in peace”; that the age old accusatory conspiracy goes on (The Protocols Of Zion so aptly describes it) Read his opt page editorial, and you cant help reading between the lines that it is Israel and Netanyahu wh are the reasons we have the problems in the middle-east today; that it is Netanyahu’s intransigence that is the cause that peace talks have failed. His biggest calumny of all, that it is Israel that is dragging the United States into more intractable circumstances, more wars, more defeats, and more plundering of our assets disregarding that there are one hundred and one other conflicts that prevent peace and tranquility.

If only Israel and their incompetent leaders would come up with a plan to appease all: The Palestinians, The Egyptians, The Turks, The Iranians, together with the other few hundred countries that support the side of the Arabs, all would embrace her as their long lost sister that has come home, and by God, so generously saved the world!  If only Israel would agree to indefensible borders, and ignore the potential of the importation of rockets to destroy her from the newly proposed independent State of Palestine, trust that all those that surround her will let her live in peace, then and only then, would be peace be enforced. It’s Israel’s fault that the Shia and the Sunni who have been mortal enemies, and continue to kill each other for over fourteen hundred years, and with no end in sight; that the Kurds who have fought for God knows how long for a land of their own, and the Turks who are determined to repeat another Armenian extermination and ethnic cleansing effort  and in effect will rid Turkey of the Kurdish problem forever. What does Friedman expect of Israel and the Jewish People?  Surrender to the masses surrounding her.! What does Friedman know of , nor does he care what Jews have endured from false crime accusations about the deicide, about the Passover blood libel, about the Spanish Inquisition, about the  so called mongrelizing of pure Aryan blood that justified purifying German blood forever by gassing and burning six million of  them out of existence? What does Friedman know of the Warsaw Ghetto, and a world that lay silent while those brave few fighters fought to their last drop of blood? What does he know of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Maidanek, Belsen, Treblinka, and the other such heinous  sites that could have received some relief if the Allies during World War II  had really wanted to do something for the those being gassed and cremated daily?  What does he know of 1948 when the world turned their backs on Israel’s fight for survival with losses of over one percent of their people lost in that war, equivalent in our country to over three million Americans? What of all the other wars fought for Israel’s survival, of the twenty five thousand who gave their all to the gods of war, with war after war where her enemies vowed each time to destroy her?

Friedman says lets trust the Palestinians because look at history how when you make a deal with the Arabs it will be honored. Honored as it was when Israel left Gaza, and Israel left Lebanon? Honored when in 1993 the PLO promised on the White House lawn before the whole world to pledge to cease active terrorism and negotiate a real peace? Try Mr. Friedman to move your family to Sderot on the border between Gaza and Israel, and have rockets and mortars landing left and right on people, and homes, and farmers.

Does any one in their right mind believe that one would be able to make a real peace treaty with a group of people who every day teach their children to grow up only to kill Jews; taught in classrooms that the Jews stole their land. Wake up to reality Mr Friedman ! Realize that the Palestinian leaders do not want peace or they could have had it a long time ago under much better circumstances that they are being offered today. They seek not a Palestinian State, but all of what is Israel today, and which they openly even refuse to recognize as a Jewish State. They seek all of Israel and espouse a return of all the Arab refugees. What that implies is a majority control and end of a Jewish State.  Its all a fake Mr. Friedman, and all your fine analytical work as to the causes of all things happening in this globe, and are weak economy in the United States which you are well known and respected for your analyses, remedies and solutions. What makes all your work and ideas valid and worth noting if with all that brilliance you cannot see the reality of what the Arabs and the Palestinians want. Mr. Friedman I will tell you what they want, and what most of their supporters sub-consciously wasn’t: They want the  total destruction and annihilation of Israel, and  all their Jewish and Zionist supports. Nothing less, and that includes Mr. Friedman you and I as well.

Read your editorial again and see how you accuse Netanyahu and his government of ineptness and incompetence, and being the worst govenment that Israel has ever had. What makes you qualified to judge them. Have you ever lived under a deadly threat of extinction twenty four hours a day, seven days a week? Have you ever lived in a D.P. camp and have a number tattooed on your arm?  Have your children ever been taken hostage, or been on bus that was blown up? Have you ever packed your children’s clothing and personal items and sent them off for military service for three years worrying whether they would ever come back? You accuse Lieberman the Foreign Minister of Israel of being a right winger in a pejorative manner. Has he not the right to speak the truth, and is there something rotten and abhorrent to be oriented toward the right, and dedicated to the truth?  Then you blame Israel for the Turkish imbroglio, and that Netanyahu scuttled a reconciliationit because he was afraid what Lieberman would say about him causing him harm to his political future. Isn’t it more logical to understand that Ergodan is out for money, political power, and what better way to achieve both than to use Israel as a scapegoat and win over the Arab street and countries as a bonafide hater of Israel? Isn’t it obvious that Ergodan wanted an excuse to expel Israel’s ambassador, and he found his justification in using the blockade issue and loss of Turkish life to justify the most stringent attacks against Israel Turkey as a friend and ally has ever expressed. Surely all can see  that he seeks to get a piece of the oil and gas finds off the coast of Israel and Cyprus, and he needed more excuses to intervene in Israel’s right to exist.

Did he really believe that supporting the flotilla would free the people of Gaza?  Would he Ergodan  allow ships to dock in Syria, unload rockets that were destined to be fired at Ankara? Yet that is what he wanted for Israel.  Destroy the blockade and allow a terrorist organization the ability to import rockets freely. What country would permit this? Certainly not Turkey!

Why should Israel halt settlements? Another of your false accusations, and the spinning of events that Israel was avoiding peace talks by continuing to build new settlement in Samaria and Judiah. A total misrepresentation and an outright lie. These are false presentations making Israel look like the villain and blocking any peace talks.  The government of Israel had halted the building of new unauthorized settlements for nine months waiting for the Palestiqn President Abbas to meet with him for peace talks. Even after the nine months Netanyahu allowed only new construction to be confined to existing settlements. But who has said that this land is anyone’s land who lives on it? What did the Palestinians and the Jordanians do with the so called West Bank for the nineteen years that they controlled it. Nothing! What happened under Israeli so called occupation? Hospitals rose, universities were established, their economy grew, and hundreds of thousands found work in Israel earning salaries that they had never been able to earn before. Was this occupation or liberation? But the world called it apartheid, segregation, and colonization. Did we as a country stop building
in California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico when we moved into those territories, and paid every Indian and Mexican in cash for the land we started to develop? Israel has paid for the land she is developing, and most of it was left fallow for nineteen years by Jordan and the Palestinians, and some of which were public lands owned by none.  As to the capital of Israel which Arab country had Jerusalem as its capital? None! Jerusalem in not mentioned even one time in the Koran. What gives the Palestinians the legal and historical rights for having Jerusalem as their capital? Where is their historic claim that they lived there and established it as their capital? Yet the Palestinians want the world to sympathize with them and they paint an unjust picture of the truth, and that Israel in developing East Jerusalem is stealing a land that was never theirs.

Mr Friedman you still don’t get it!  Your writing and analyses are geared to ingratiate yourself with the Arab World; to come across that you are a fair, unbiased and impartial journalist who will never take sides even though you are a Jew. You claim to wish to protect the strategic interests of the United States by supposedly not stirring up any more problems caused by Israel alone, and who is expected to roll over and just drop dead to placate the powerful wealthy countries of the world. Mr.Friedman you do not understand,  and fail to acknowledge that the Arabs hate Jews, and in turn doubly hate Israel, and that wont change soon in our lifetime; that until mankind changes which might take a few thousand years from now,  Arabs will try to destroy Israel, and that peace will never come to the Middle-east until the Arabs themselves are free from the tyranny of their despotic leaders, and their religious fundamentalist zeal which blocks freedom of expression; that they stop using Israel as the distraction for their ineptness in developing freer and more compassionate societies.  For the Arabs to realize that they have been tricked by history, and that their leaders have found Jews and Israel as their bĂȘte noire as the cause of their failures to progress; to allow women to have the same rights as men. Their fundamentalists promote  surrender to their Shariah instead of allowing all of us to live on this planet and practice any religion we wish with the respect  to worship the Almighty as we choose without the threat of violence. For all religions the right to practice it freely and without intimidation. If Israel is weakened or allowed to be over powered it will be a major blow to the United States and the whole free world.  Mr. Friedman study history and use your brilliance to find the truth, and the real causes of strife in the Middle-east. I and many others would love to read it in the New York Times, or in your next book about “How I failed to understand the problems of the Middle-east." Should be a best seller.