Monday, November 26, 2012

Turkey Returns To Its Roost In Israel

This article was written by Ira A Feinberg.
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Finding The Truth
Turkey Returns To Its Roost In Israel
    By Ira A Feinberg
November 26, 2012
It is becoming apparent daily, that Turkey who has been bashing Israel at every chance it has is inexorably moving away from hostility toward Israel to returning to an alliance that lasted more than any other coalition in the  Middle-east in the past 60 years. Erdogan behind the scenes is not getting the message that Turkey’s greatest threat is not Israel, nor should Israel be their enemy. Nor is her best friend Hamas, or Egypt for that matter. Sunni Turkey is awakening to the near border menace of Shia Iran, and they now understand that the war on their borders that they are being pushed into is being instigated by Iran. If Assad prevails in Syria, Turkey will certainly be threatened by the Iran-Syrian-Hezbollah axis.
This scenario forebodes a re-thinking of their break with Israel. For 60 years Israel and Turkey in a quiet way stayed together. They cooperated both in open and clandestinely ways in military matters. The entire Arab world in the twentieth century never fell in love with Turkey, having lived for centuries under their autocratic rule, and only recently have they been able to feel themselves free of Turkish Empire domination. Turkey diplomatically tried to make it look that they were friendly to their Arab neighbors, but it was never a real romance. So they relied on Israel that if push comes to shove, and if it would come one day to  a conflict with the Arab world,  Israel would be there for them. Well that moment has arrived. Ironically when the atmosphere between the two ex lovers is at its lowest level, this reuniting necessity for security  is going to hit the Turkish inner circles, and with it the military class who think on winning wars, not in propaganda and jingoistic psychological play games that make Turkey look good with their Arab brothers, and play to the Turkish Islamists.
Israel has offered and supplied Turkey drones. Refurbished, upgraded, and maintained their fleets of American military aircraft. Cooperated in naval, land and  air games. There existed a certain confidence despite their Islam oriented society that the two could greatly benefit from cooperation, a solid alliance, and not a manufactured and planned confrontation.
So here is where I will stick my neck out and predict that the two countries, Israel & Turkey will return to a working relationship that wont be broken again soon. Turkey will soon be at war with Assad’s cutthroats, either directly or as part of a western alliance. Assad’s days are numbered. The Turks need Israel as an ally, and either Erdogan  gets the message and acts on it, or  you can expect that he won’t be around to stop the inevitable from taking place. The United States, NATO, and Israel are in one boat against the Iran-Syrian-Hezbollah axis. Turkey can’t and wont remain out. Watch for a change of policy, and the renewal of two birds that need to flock together, Turkey and Israel.