Thursday, April 7, 2011

Give It All Back For The Sake of Peace In The World

Here am I in the safety of America looking out on the calamities facing mankind. No bombs exploding. No Air raids. No violence in the streets, and plenty of good fresh food on my table. Why not the whole world like us? It dawned on me unexpectedly that I finally understand how to bring the whole world to a balanced one of tranquility, love and prosperity for all.

All that need be done is for Israel to hand back unconditionally all of the West Bank, the supposed occupational territory, and including most of Jerusalem.

If this were done expeditiously all wars would cease. All revolutions causing turmoil would stop. All bombings, all rapes, all suicide bombers, all religious bigotry and hostility would cease, all human rights issues,  all women currently treated as chattels would be liberated and accepted with equal rights.

I am in favor of Israel giving it all back, every square meter for the sake of peace in the world, But, under only one pre-condition that will make the playing field fair and even,  and then and only then, there  should be only one pre-condition.

Since the disputed territory that the Palestinians claim is theirs, and it  should be returned to them, then this act should be used as the model for all the other countries in the world to follow. Is it just, that after a war to have the victor inhabit and annex the defeated nation’s territory whether or not  the war was morally justified? Of course not because that would be immoral and unfair.

Here  then is my suggestion for a pre-condition for forcing Israel to give up all the land they are repudiated to have occupied and in part inhabited.

Demand the Russians,who after sixty six years and who  have held on to the Kurile Islands off the coast of Japan, and considered a part of  Japan taken by force after only a few last days of World War II,  be returned immediately.

Demand that the United States return Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean Islands to Spain after the Spanish American War. Demand The United States return to Mexico Texas,  Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and California taken from Mexico after the Mexican American Wars.

Return or compensate all the land and territory seized ,abrogated and annexed by  The United States from the Native North Americans who were defeated by our army,  and ethnically cleansed by moving them to reservations.

Demand that The British return the Falkland Islands (Maldives to Argentinians) after first colonizing them by force and then fighting a recent limited war with Argentina to hold on to them.

As for the Chinese who have occupied and usurped Tibet. Should they not  with all their power, and new found wealth, follow The Russian, American, and British examples and do the same? Give back the land and territory to the Tibetans and set an example for Israel to do the same

Yes give it all back to the Palestineans after the world demands the Russians, The Americans The British, and the Chinese set the example for Israel to follow in their footsteps, and then there will surely  be peace in the world with no more problems to address, and with peace and prosperity for all.

Israel has to date fought five wars having been attacked by outside countries
sworn to destroy her and drive their Jewish inhabitants into the sea. The problems that followed could have been solved many times peacefully were it not for the intransigence of the Arab nations that refuse to recognize that one state in Middle-east and  that existed over two thousand years ago should be allowed to flourish again. The core reason has been and continues to be that beating Israel down, bashing her democratic success, and which allowed for the status quo to continue, and is the cause of peace being denied both Palestinians and Israeli’s to live together in harmony and security.
For without the scapegoat of Israel,  and the deliberate distraction used by her enemies who fan the flames of nationalism  in order to distract their citizenry in  the middle-east how would their rulers protect and  maintain their rule over their  blinded masses who remain repressed and held back from experiencing equality with all its economic and human rights. So too is the world fooling themselves when they blame all the problems of the world on Israel’s back. If only Israel would give back all the so called occupied territory, all the problems of the world would be solved.

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