Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Christian, Muslims, & Jews, A Wakeup Call For What Is Right

Christians, Muslims & Jews, A Wake Up Call For What Is Right
    June 27, 2011

There is blood running in the streets of Homs, Aleppo, and Damascus. There is blood running in the streets of other Syrian cities. The same blood ran in the streets of the cities in Rwanda, and in Cambodia, and in Darfur and in Buchenwald and Auschwitz, where there was little or no protestation when these slaughters were taking place. Some say that it was a world with little communication of what was taking place in any corner of the world; that we were unaware of the unfolding of these heinous and abject acts.

Today we have no such excuses. We know every day what is going on, and yet our religious leaders of all three major religions  have failed to organize us, educate us, and inspire us to protest loudly now.

If ever there was a time to be unified despite the deep divisions in our faiths,
it is now. To set aside who is right about the Almighty, the correct practice, procedures and prayers that claim uniqueness in opening of  the heavens , the different daily incantations recited in many different tongues and styles across the face of the earth all beseeching salvation and protection. Asking forgiveness for our sins, and gratitude for the gift of life itself. This is the time to demonstrate that we speak with one voice, and that we demand that the killing fields be stopped, and that the Syrian people be protected from further extermination.

Let’s set aside politics, and other issues that separate us, and shout with all our vigor “Stop The Killing Now”. Today we are in the world of Facebook, Google, and Linkedin, and many other social media applications. Today’s world captures the news and instantly it is flashed everywhere. We need to see millions protesting the indiscriminate extermination taking place in Syria; to contact our religious leaders; to contact our affiliated social organizations; to contact our government; to demonstrate in front of the Syrian consulates and embassy; to vehemently protest in writing to the United Nations, and to the Arab nations and Israel and to those who have lived through, and witnessed personally the horrors of the Holocaust. They must not be silent now! Should we not demonstrate that we are against what is happening right before our eyes?  Or are we waiting for things to just fade away from our consciousness. Shall we repeat the inaction of the past and let one man, Bashar Assad and his inner circle of friends, relatives, his army and his secret police perpetuate the slaughter? Or are we capable of being proactive in demanding  results?

I propose that this Friday July 1, 2011, Yom Ha Jumaa, when Muslims observe their holy day, that the Imams sermonize that the killing of Muslims and Christians in Syria today should be stopped immediately; that the executions and tortures should cease immediately, and that their congregants leave the Mosque with the idea of expressing their protest to all of the above organizations and entities in a unified manner.

I propose that this Saturday, July 2, 2011 The Sabbath where Jews universally celebrate the “Shabat”, here in the United States, in Israel, and all over the world, that their Rabbi’s cry out to stop the killings, and inspire their congregants to protest to the above mentioned countries and organizations, to stop the exterminations.

I propose that this Sunday July 3, 2011, The Sabbath for Christians of all denominations for special sermons by their priests and pastors. To declare from their pulpits the immorality of the acts of the Syrian government and Army, and to demand action by the governments and organizations mentioned above who are responsible for justice.

Maybe this time, all of us will begin to realize that we must speak up and take every action that could save more lives and bloodshed; that we have learned our lessons of the past of letting things slide, and to fade away until such time that we see the bodies of those who have been slaughtered. Those who might have lived had we acted when it began. It’s not too late to act now.

Let’s unite and show the real meaning of our religious affiliation and beliefs. 

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