Monday, April 25, 2011

The Horse Is Out Of The Barn

April 26, 2011

The Horse Is Out Of The Barn

For over sixty years now most of the nations of the world have sided with the Arabs whenever there was a dispute between Israel and Arab countries. The importance of oil, and the market oriented developed countries who wanted to sell their products to the Arab countries were other key factors in this blatant discrimination. Israel was to be blamed for every incursion, every act of self defense, and any alliance that it entered into that might be interpreted to be siding with those who respected human rights and democratic change. This one sidedness by the world at large because of their self interests in courting the Arabs, allowed for the most egregious blaming of Israel for all of the problems in the Middle-east, if not for all the problems of the entire world. If only Israel would make the necessary concessions, the surrendering of territory gained through the 1967 six day war where Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian armies threatened to destroy Israel, the acceptance of a truncated Israel with defenseless borders, the complete return of the refugees to their original homes, the division  of Jerusalem, the elimination of Israel’s nuclear capability, the end of the occupation of the West Bank and The Gaza Strip. If only Israel did all of the above then the next day there would be peace in the world,  and the problems of Europe and The United States, and the rest of world would be forgotten, and no more hostilities. Israel was cited as  the center of all the problems with Islam in general, and with Al Queda in particular. Solving the Palestinian problem was tantamount to solving all the problems of the world with Israel making all the concessions.

No need then to consider that all the Arab countries were either controlled by dictators, or benevolent kings, or by proxy by outside forces that interfered with the governing of their country with little of anything concerning freedom and human rights. No need to consider the total imbalance of wealth where most of the Arab world lived on pennies a day, and where the rich oil sheiks, and plutocrats lounged on the beaches of the Riviera. No need to consider the seething anger and pain of the average Arab
Citizen for the daily injustices they experienced.  No need to consider that women were treated like chattels, third class citizens, and with no voice, and little if any rights. Where rape was considered a crime by the woman, and not the man, or the men inflicting it. No need to consider that Christians were attacked and murdered with little government involvement for their protection, and where churches were burned to the ground without bringing the guilty to justice in a court of law. No need to mention the Wahabi money from Saudi Arabia that funded Al Queda (that may still be doing so to this day) that attacked our World Trade Center, and Pentagon killing thousands in 2001, and further fanned hate for the United States in Pakistan provoking attacks that killed, and are killing American and Nato soldiers. No need to take in account the age long strife and battles between Sunni and Shia, Kurds and Turks.  No need to consider any of the above if you wanted to understand the Middle-east, and the  wars with radical violent Islam. There was an easy and comfortable response, and the best distraction for the Arab street of the real conditions of life in any Arab country, and why daily there were incidents that triggered more hate, and more hostility. Israel was the answer. Israel was to blame for all the problems. Warfare, explosions, terrorist attacks, and murder. Blame her for the continued recruiting of young boys and girls as suicide bombers, and the enlisting of Al Qaeda soldiers trained to become martyrs. Blame her for the Gaza starvation and blockades, and ignore the thousands of rockets fired on civilians in Israel, and the poverty that exists both in Gaza and the rest of the Middle-east.

The horse is out of the barn. It is so apparent that for over sixty years the world has sided with the Arabs, and designated Israel as the devil, Nazi like, occupier, apartheid promoter, and the discriminator of all Palestinians. They, the Arab nations have used their political and commercial buying power to intimidate the rest of the world into hating Israel, and finding Israel as the source of all the problems in finding peace in the Middle-east, and peace in the world. It does not take too long to witness what has taken place in the Middle-east as of yesterday, with the common people rebelling against the tyrannies that they had to live under day after day. The brutal slayings in Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain of people demonstrating for change.

When the world recognizes this disparity of blame, and releases themselves from the oil intimidation card, and the economic pressures of the Arab countries as huge buyers and investors in the developed countries, then, and only then when the world will not treat Israel with a double standard and will look at  both sides objectively can there be a chance for peace in the Middle-east and in the world as well. The Horse Is Out Of The Barn, and we can only get him back in when the nations of the world realize that the truth has been revealed, and nations should act accordingly, in justice and fairness.

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