Thursday, December 20, 2012


 More Lies, More Farce, More Fraud, More Charades

By Ira A Feinberg

December 22, 2012

If Israel turns to the right, it’s wrong. If Israel turns to the left, it’s wrong. If Israel stands still, it’s wrong. So now, it’s a piece of land 4.6 square miles, that gives the Israel bashers and their friends a chance to accuse Israel of stealing, robbing their Palestinian land, and destroying a chance for a real peace settlement. (As if there was even a chance of peace with the present leadership of the Palestinians). E1, the area in contention is public land that was acquired as a result of the six day war of 1967, and has been under Israel control since then. It will not cut the northern part of the west bank from the southern part in a projected Palestinian state since there are plans to have transit facilities to connect the two parts unhindered when and if a Palestinian state is established. Israel sees it as a way of connecting Ma’ale Adumim (a developed community) with the city of Jerusalem.

Let’s take a look at reality, the truth. Peace talks with whom?. The Hamas who make no bones about what they seek. They want not a piece of Israel, but all of it. What does that mean? It means all the Jewish inhabitants must go, or be killed. Nice partners for peace. Then there is is the so called Fatah with their diplomatic suits and ties, telling the world that they are in favor of a two state solution while at the same time collecting hundreds of millions of dollars they receive as protection money from Arab kings, to The European Union, and the generous United States of America a lot of that money never reaching the people who need it. Millions that went over the years into a lot of large pockets of so called patriots who ride around in Mercedes and live in lovely villas, and fly about the world declaring their intentions of making peace, if only the Israeli’s would behave themselves by rolling over and dropping dead; and to stop building and enhancing the land left fallow for thousands of years until Jews came there and found the milk and honey, and turned the deserts into farmlands and forests. This Fatah that authorizes the teaching of youngsters under their control that killing of the Jews is good.Those leaders of Fatah that have never done anything to stop their educational system from teaching their children in their schools that all the land Israelis live on is stolen land. Their authorized text books espouse this vitriol, that the more the Jews build, the more land they are stealing from Palestinians.

The so called peace talks usually referred to as crucial to a settlement are simply a perpetuation of a grand farce; that if only everyone would sit down at a table and talk, there would be peace. Reality check. Look at the Middle-east today, and you see nothing but hate of one nation against another, one sect against another, one economic class of the poor against the powerful hegemony of wealth and pure greed only to be found in the imagination of a novel about ruthless kings, one tribe against another, Male against Female, and woman’s subjugation to live as inferiors to any man. Many times with their chant, ‘that it is the will of God that these conditions are proper and can be perpetuated . Is this the environment than can accept negotiations for peace? Without real good will on both sides peace will never be possible.

So the farce continues at the United Nations where the cover motive of the Palestinians is for recognition as an independent state for goals of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For experiencing the pride of having a nation of their own? Not a chance! What their real reason for seeking recognition was to join committees at the United Nations that will allow them to further promote Israel as the demon; to describe Israel as the occupier. Israel as”The Thief” in the stealing of their lands.

The media explained in numerous news articles and reports that Israel’s stated plan to build homes in the E1 area would eliminate any chance of peace. This action supposedly would make it impossible for the Palestinians to have one free flowing territory that would consist of their state, and allow them to connect freely with all of their towns and cities unhindered. Lies, more lies and distortions that were totally untrue. Building in E1 would not separate two areas of the Palestinian state. There were roads and tunnels planned to allow for the free movement from north to south in any future Palestinian state.

As long as there is no sincere effort and intention to really talk peace Israel should be free to build where it wishes to continue to secure its presence in an ever ending bad neighborhood; to prepare to defend themselves against all those who swear to destroy her. E1 is an attempt to unify Jerusalem and strengthen its foundation. The land belongs to those who inhabit it. Those who nurture it! Who grow things on it!

 The claim that any of this land is Arab land historically is the greatest lie of all. World War I, where Turkey had sided with Germany, lost it all. The area geographically known as the Middle-East, and North Africa were artificially carved up to satisfy the strategy of subjugating the peoples who lived there , and to make of those lands colonies under the control of England and France. All of the Middle- East, and all the territory therein was the property of the Sultan of Turkey and the Turkish Empire, and it was that way for over 400 years until the end of World War I. So, no land in Palestine, or any part of Middle East was owned by any other group or country. Not by Jews and not by Arabs but by Turks until the British and French came along and divided it up under their control into spheres of influence. Historically,The Jewish People had their roots there. They farmed the lands there thousands of years ago, and built their cities and towns there. Jews have lived there for four thousand years They had a capital to their country until they were conquered, and it was called Jerusalem. It was there, in their Kingdom that other religions were born that spread to the four corners of the world. These are facts that cannot be repudiated.

So at this time the truth is E1 is no one’s land. It does not belong to either Jews or Arabs. It does belong to those who will use it in a manner that would benefit all the society in it s environs. Israel should build on it now, and not trust that others will guarantee their sovereignty and existence. When the day of peace comes, all the land will be justly shared. Until then and until that day arrives, when the preaching and promoting of hate and death by Arabs and Jihadists has ceased, and when terrorism is exchanged for love, and freedom, and respect for the human rights of women, and for those different than one selves, it is most correct for Israel to build today for her survival and defense. To continue to build and lead the world in paths of righteousness and peace.

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