Wednesday, December 5, 2012

          Applause For Abbas, Cheers For Terrorism

This article was written by Ira A Feinberg. Other articles by Mr. Feinberg can be found at or Your comments can be made by email to or


Finding The Truth 

Applause For Abbas, Cheers For Terrorism

By Ira A Feinberg

December 4, 2012


Hurray, Hurrah for the success of President Abbas in securing for the Palestinean cause a resounding success. So the United Nations who by number and name have always shown a bias to the beleaguered Palestinians, had another opportunity to show their partiality. After all why should any of  them have  behaved differently since the Arab Nation has meant to them trade, investment, oil,  a great distraction of their own internal problems, and a growing Islamic population to answer to ?  What did anyone expect from a European continent still living in the shadows of fifteen hundred and more years of Anti-Semitism, an inquisition that burned Jews at the stake, and a Holocaust that took six million lives without a significant Mea Culpa, except however for Germany;  an Anti-Semitism,  that is alive and kicking, and to which no nation has addressed to their constituency a condemnation and purging of their national shame.  


How easy it is to bash Israel, and raise the flag of Palestine to demonstrate their solidarity with the beleaguered Palestinians. So, by God, what have they done? Have they advanced the cause of the residents in Ramallah and other parts of the West Bank, which as a territory has now evolved into a recognized state in the making? How much have they advanced the cause of peace and understanding? Abbas’s speech to the UN was filled with anger, derision, and contempt for his peace partner. Is this the man who represents the Palestinians with their aim to be independent and unoccupied? Where were his words of thanks to the world body? Where in his speech as the recognized leader of his country, did he in that exalted position, state that he would now become empowered because of their recognition to come to terms with Israel for a lasting peace. Now he was able to negotiate a just and fair arrangement for the two states,  Israel & Palestine, living side by side living in peace and happiness by helping each other to thrive in a global economy. Zero! Just the opposite.

 His speech reflects a realist interpretation, that he, nor the Palestinians want a real peace. What they want is the dismemberment of Israel. An Islamic pause as justified in the Koran, a Hudnah, to be able to gain a footing, and by so doing be able to take it all back one day.  Time and time again,   Israel’s leaders,  who believed by conceding land they would secure peace. Not so. Conceding land without a change of heart would never work. We have the first example in Lebanon. When Israel unilaterally decided to evacuate the area they controlled because of terrorist attacks that had terrorized Northern Israel, and what they got was Hezbollah who threatened to wipe Israel off the map! Or the Gaza evacuation, a unilateral departure, and what did they get from that withdrawal with all that Israel built and cultivated there,  Hamas! Now does one believe if Israel gave President Abbas all he wanted, to stop building on the West Bank, stop expanding the settlements, stop building in a united Jerusalem that he would say thanks and Israel would be left in peace forever? Never, and it is a hoped for dream by peaceniks who refuse to face reality.

 The things that the PLO must do, they will never do, until there is a realization that first and foremost they must make peace with themselves. What politician in Palestine has the courage to speak the truth, and to offer a real peace? He or she would be assassinated over night.  Who is Israel to trust? The weakened Fatah, or the brave courageous Hamas who opine that they taught Israel a lesson in the last conflict, and who claim to this day a glorious victory? A victory amongst all the destroyed infrastructure buildings, and rocket silos?  All the hundred and thirty who lost their lives? All the hundreds of wounded, and injured as a result of their recklessness, and their allowing themselves to be directed by Iran?  

Because of the PLO’s real wish is to get back all of Israel they sow the seeds of hate at an early age in all the schools on the West Bank for their  youth of  today, who for tomorrow are instructed to kill Israelis, and take back the stolen land they accuse Israel of stealing from them. ? In this the respect the PLO and the Palestinian Authority deserve at the United Nations in becoming a non-member member? Are they any better than the Hamas who do not suppress openly their goal of total destruction of a Jewish State?

 The world and the Palestinians still live with the lie that the land they are claiming is land that is occupied, and which land Israel is illegally building on. History tells another story. Jews have lived on this disputed soil for over 4,000 years. Until the beginning of the 20th century all the land in the Middle-East was Turkish, and part of the Turkish Empire. After World War I,  all the land in the Middle-East was artificially cut up to meet the objectives of the colonial powers, England and France. Palestine was nonexistent,  and it too was broken up into two parts arbitrarily.  One, The Kingdom of Jordan, that gave the Hashemite Royalty a foothold, and the other a mandate under British control, Palestine, neither Jewish or Arab control. After the United Nations voted on the  partition plan in 1947  Israel accepted it, and the Arabs not only rejected it, but threatened war and the extinction of all the Jews living in Palestine. Now 65 years later they claim the land was theirs after they rejected the partition plan, and were defeated in 1948 when five Arab armies invaded this unclaimed land and threatened to drive the Jews into the sea. As a result of the 1948 war Trans-Jordan seized all the disputed land, and annexed it to its kingdom. The 1967 war, The Six Day War that the
Arabs lost, and where Jordan who sided with Egypt and Syria lost control of the West Bank of  this disputed territory (Samaria & Judea), and which Israel has been in control of it since then. (Parenthetically the standard for those living on the west bank under Israel control have made more progress than any Arab country in their standard of living, education, and medicine.)

The land belongs to those who live on it. It is not stolen since historically, and by fact. Jews have lived there for thousands of years, and have returned to restore it,  and that  it is Israel’s inherent right to be there. Sixty five years ago it was barely rocks and sand. Now that it is thriving, and shown the world an example of one of the greatest turnarounds in history there are those because of envy, jealousy, and pure hostility wanted to reverse an irretrievable fact.   It was, and is today the homeland of the Jewish people, and will be so until the day “When nations shall not lift up a sword against others”, and borders will be nonexistent, since all men shall live in peace with their neighbor, and none will fear the other.

As to Abbas’s speech, and the voting for recognition by the United Nations, does he really represent a partner for peace? When the applause dies down,and all the cheering ceases, and the Palestinian leaders have to answer why they did what they did at the UN, Israel and the world,  will have to realize that there isn’t any peace process at present, but just a game, a political one to demonstrate that effort is being made every day. Every day to gain time, and more support, more financial support from donor nations, and not because of Netanyahu’s actions, but because there doesn’t exist a a true partner who wishes peace. Where the Palestinians for 65 years who have been fighting Israel, and who rejected at this very United Nations a just partition plan, and who have to this day never recognized Israel as a  Jewish State, and have never been interested in making a final settlement. They have had four real opportunities where Israel was ready to make many of the concessions they sought, only to be rejected after each attempt. First Rabin, then Barak and Olmert, and even Netanyahu.

 What the United Nations did on November 29, 2012 was to encourage terrorism by recognizing not only the West Bank as a State, but has granted recognition to Hamas, a recognized terrorist entity. A Hamas who  having brain washed the Palestinians with their braggadocio of having achieved  a raving victory over the Zionists appear to be the real power of the Palestinian State.. Those countries that play with Hamas, beware. For it will not be too long after they play with fire, that they should not be surprised to  be burned themselves accordingly. One day those who backed the Hamas will regret that they gave support to terrorists as they experience what Israel has. Suicide bombings, blown up busses, and innocent civilians being murdered. Israel will focus on more Nobel prizes in medicine and science, more medical wonders, and will continue to be a 'light unto the nations’.